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Posts tagged ‘cocaine’

Jung and Freud in love


Egghead alert.  The following post is a bit of deeper stuff about the whole love issue.  Skip it and go right onto the other posts if you’re not interested.

Psychology Today (link below) says that falling in love is like with being on Cocaine.  I didn’t need Psychology Today to tell me that, BEEN THERE, and I can tell you for sure that Falling in Love sure felt like that time the Dr. put me on Morphine . . . can’t draw a direct comparison with Cocaine – haven’t been there.

We can only fall CRAZY in love with someone we don’t know.  Once we get to know them, assuming we still love them, we actually love them (very different from the Romantic notion of being “In Love”.  We know their faults, where they come up short, how they drive us crazy, and we decide to love them anyway.

Carl Jung*says that when we fall crazy in love that we are getting sucked in by a projection.  Some part of our subconscious knows we have to learn something and it sees (or feels) that this person can teach us what we need to know.  In simple terms “I fall for anyone who’s kind to me” can mean “I need to be kind to myself”.  “I fall for strong guys” could be telling us “I need to learn to be strong”, “I always fall for party girls” might be trying to tell us we need to loosen up a bit.

* Big time Smarty Pants psychologist – worked with Freud until they had a big, stinky fight and didn’t talk again for years . . . maybe they needed a good therapist.
